3rd Nature System
Urban forest as a testing ground for therapeutic landscape
Taking the 3rd natural context as the main environmental characteristics, and integrating some of the environmental features with strong healing effects in the 1st and 2nd natures, and creating an urban healing space with low intervention & ecological design methods.
The 1st natural system focuses on the transformation of the original site, and uses low-intervention design methods to protect the ecological environment of the site while improving the healing effect, but also retains the mystery and wild sense of the 1st nature to stimulate people curiosity and desire to explore the site.
The 2nd natural system focuses on increasing the type and number of acti v i ties on the site. At present, there are not a large number of 2nd natural env i r onmen t s ( espec i a l l y agricultural culture, etc.) in urban space, but the physical healing effect brought by the second nature is also very strong, and the initial conditions of the site are very suitable for the development of the 2nd natural environment.
The 3rd natural system serves as the main characteristic of the site environment. Its main role is to balance the sense of order and the wild sense within the site, connect the three natural environments and combine them harmoniously and efficiently, thereby creating the atmosphere of therapeutic landscape.
Location: Nananzui Park (Wuhan)
Duration: 2019.4-2019.9
Inidividual work