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Urban Acupuncture

The Renovation of Historical Street


The site is a historic street with a good cultural atmosphere, but most of the facilities are no longer able to meet the living needs of the residents, and the overall conditions of the street cannot satisfy the tourists who come to visit. Therefore, in this project, I use the design method named “urban acupuncture” to design the street, cure the street disease and enhance the street vitality without destroying the original appearance of the street.


Acquisition: Learn a new street design theory, get familiar with the design of a small site, and have a deeper understanding of street space


Areas for improvement: Resident participation is very important for this kind of design project. When doing this kind of project in the future, I will add the suggestions of the residents to do the design.

Location: Liangdao Street (Wuhan)
Duration: 2019.4-2019.5
Inidividual work

Activity & Space Needs Analysis + Site Analysis


Site Issue Analysis


Site Issue Analysis


General Strategy & Plan


Design Proposal & Node Design

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